Artist Statement: As an artist, I recreate the feeling I had as a child when the world was new and full of discovery. I paint about the beauty of nature that is available to each of us. I hope to inspire its preservation. the subjects of my paintings are gardens filled with wildflowers and other experiences that inspired great wonder and joy. Viewers are rewarded with hidden surprises and visual treats that delight and intrigue the eye. The cmpressed and intimate space brings them close enough to hear a bumble bee or to see the beating of a dragonfly’s wings or to smell the fragrance of a flower.
Education: Mallory was a graduate of The 2024 Creative Visionary Program, with Nicholas Wilton. She attended Abstract painting workshops with Jenny Nelson and Larry Moore. In May of 2015 Agerton graduated from the Landscape Atelier Program. She received a BFA from the University of Texas in Austin and later studied at the Art Students League in New York City for 2 years.
Recent Publication: Southwest Art April/May Feature Article 2022
I”In the 2015, her work was included in the Oil Painters of America Western Regional Show, The National Oil and Acrylic Painters "Best of America Show. In the fall of 2015 she won a Merit Award from the International Showcase of The National Oil and Acrylic Painters. In 2016, Agerton was once more accepted into the International Showcase of the National Oil and Acrylic Painters. In 2017, her work was included in the Small Works Great Wonders Show at the National Cowboy and Western Museum. In 2018 she received the “Best Landscape” award in the National Oil and Acrylic Painters International Online Exhibition. In 2019 Agerton received 2 Merit Awards from the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Shows including their “Best of America” show, and the Witte Museum “Spirit of Texas” exhibition- online category. In 2020, Agerton was included in the 107th Juried Allied Artist Exhibition and awarded a Merit Award at the NOAP Best of America Exhibition. In 2021 Agerton received Signature Status at NOAPS, and the Best Painting in the Master/Signature Division at the spring exhibition. In 2022 Agerton’s work was accepted in the Oil Painters of America National Show at the Steamboat Springs Art Museum and the 2022 Juried Allied Artists Associates Show in NYC.
For inquiries, contact the artist directly via phone at 832 859 1957 or email- or at the following galleries:
Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art, 58 Broad St. Charleston, SC. 29401. 843 722 3660.
Realist Landscapes only:
Foltz Fine Art, 2143 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77098, 713 521 7100.